Wednesday, June 4, 2008

I just want to take a momen to say that I am so blessed! God has blessed me in so many ways, so I just want to stop and say, "Thank you, Jesus for loving me, for giving your Son for me and for choosing to bless me when I am so unworthy! Thank you for a husband who loves you first and foremost and who is willing to do anything for me and our daughters. Thank you for two perfect and healthy little girls who will grow into women who love you with their whole hearts. Thank you for a family who encourages me in your ways first. Thank you for a house that is strong, for two cars that work, for clothes on our backs and for food on our table. I love you, God!"

Just so you can see those who I am most thankful for, here are some pics of my girls and my man!

Ah! She looks like me here!

Happy Baby!!!

Madeline obviously loves the zoo...

She slept for 9 hours overnight in her swing!!!