So, I need to just take a minute to vent, but first I have to say that hands-down the worst thing about being a mom is the feeling of "what if"? What if I mess my kid up? What if I teach her bad habits? What if she learns to react to things poorly by watching me? Ugh!!!
Anyway, we were at my parents' house last night and both of my grandmas were there. Don't get me wrong- I love them both so much, but I guess part of getting old is that you feel like you have the right to just say things and people will what? Just chalk up your saying mean things to being senile? I dont know...
So, Madeline is 2 months old and she has definitely grown well since birth. She was 7 lbs 2 oz at the day she was born and she (if my parents' scale is correct) is now 14 lbs. Kylie grew the same way! My girls like to eat and they gain good weight the first few months. If she follows in her sister's footsteps, she will stop gaining weight at 4 months and just get long. Anyway, I digress. Like I said, I think they must feel like they can say critical things because people will excuse them because they are old. I cant tell you how many times I heard how "fat" my kid is. Seriously??? She's a BABY!!! By the end of the evening I was ready to cry because I felt like they were being mean to her and I started to feel like I was contributing to some unhealthy lifestyle in my kid. I was asking myself, "Am I a bad mom? Am I missing something? Should I not let her nurse so often? Should I hold her off even longer between meals?" I shouldnt have to feel that way! She eats when she's's not like she is eating every 30 minutes or anything. URGH!!!!
I know they love her and I would hope they dont think she is "fat" but rather cute chubby like babies are allowed to be, but I just wish they would stop and think before they speak.
jonah rockin' the xylophone
6 years ago
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