- Kylie prays before bed...very cute! Last night's prayer went something like this:
Momma- "Thank you Jesus for Kylie and for our day. Please bless Kylie while she sleeps and keep her safe. Give her sweet thoughts and dreams and help her to wake up in the morning ready for her day."
Kylie- "And no be scared of dark- kangaroo (she carrieds around a little Roo doll...) scared of dark."
Momma- "Thank you Jesus that you are going to help Kylie and kangaroo not to be scared of the dark. Please bless...run through the list of family members...and keep them safe."
Kylie- "And the zoo and the animals. And Coffee dog (our friends' schnauzer). And all my friends at church."
Momma- "Please bless the zoo and the animals, coffee dog and all our friends.
Kylie- "And thank you that Daddy was only playing with the vacuum (I buzzed Matt's hair and then I used the dust buster to get it all off his shoulders. My poor toddler, who is scared of the vaccuum/dust buster, watched as her father acted like it was eating him and screamed...Grrr, Matt...)
Momma- "And thank you that Daddy was only playing with the vaccuum. Amen."
- Kylie loves to swim- last summer she HATED swimming but now she loves to swim. Her favorite thing is to tell me that she is like a penguin in the water and that if she splashes me it will be so cold! Madeline really likes the pool too which surprises me because Kylie HATED the pool her first summer.
- Madeline is ticklish! Right up on her upper belly- tickle that and laugh and she gets the biggest kick out of things.
- Madeline can also sit up AND grab things! She no longer likes to lay down anymore if there is the option of being upright and sitting. So cute! She likes to grab for her toys but by far her most favorite thing in life is to just be sitting and watching activity.
- Kylie likes to play the violin with two sticks. She hums "Twinkle, Twinkle" when she does it.
- Kylie can sing the ABC's, Twinkle Twinkle, Jesus Loves Me, and The B-I-B-L-E. Love the singing!!!
Here are some recent pics...
Oh my gosh! Has it really been that long since I have seen you that your children have changed so much? How fun to see them grow!!
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