's been a long time since I have posted anything! Time has flown by. We are less than one week away from Madeline's first Thanksgiving, Kylie will be 3 years old in less than one month, and we still have to do ALL of our Christmas shopping! I had wanted to get that all done this weekend, but threw my back out for a second time and we didn't do anything except stick around our house. I'm finally feeling better, but this yucky back stuff is no fun! Couple that with anxiety because the last time this happended was when I was first pregnant with Madeline, and it was an interesting week. Don't get me wrong- I love my girls- I just am not ready to be pregnant again ANY TIME SOON!
Speaking of my girls...they are so great! We just got a dog (a little Shih-Tzu named Molly) and Kylie has a new best friend. They play like CRAZY all the time! Kylie grabs the dog's toy and throws it for her, Molly tackles Kylie to get the toy back...lots of giggling, lots of running. It's chaos, but happy chaos. The best part about this dog is that she doesnt shed!!! Yeah! She does chew, however, and that drives me nuts! Today she messed up a wooden puzzle and I wanted to deck her...I did "spank" her though...dumb dog!
Madeline is getting pretty big! She is seven and a half months now and she is such a happy girl! She still just likes to sit back and take all the action in, but she is so smiley and giggly at us! She loves Kylie and thinks she is the best thing in the world. She is eating baby food regularly now, although she only eats fruit, because veggies and cereal make her gag to the point of puking...drama! She sits on her own really well, and she really wants to talk...she is so close to saying Dada and Mama. She is also really good at giving "hugs" and kisses. The kisses are really slobbery, but that's okay because it is the absolute best thing! I walk into her room to get her up and her arms and legs start moving a mile a minute and she will have this big grin on her face! I remember Kylie doing this too...then when I pick her up she buries her face in my neck and snuggles in! Love those "hugs"!!!